gold star for USAHOF

“Cowboy” Bob Orton

“Cowboy” Bob Orton

The consummate mechanic in the ring, few (if any) made Professional Wrestling look more fluid than “Cowboy” Bob Orton.  If given the opportunity, Orton would have the longest and best match on the card and could make any opponent look like a million dollars.  Bob Orton did not win a lot of titles, but with this role, he didn’t have to.  Despite being the father of current WWE Superstar Randy Orton, this is a very legitimate induction and likely would have happened regardless of Randy’s success.

Inducted in 2005 by Randy Orton.  Billed from Kansas City, Kansas

Should "Cowboy" Bob Orton be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely, he deserves to be there. - 65%
I am fine with this induction. - 15%
Others deserve it ahead of him, but it's not the end of the world. - 5%
No opinion. - 5%
Kick this wrestler out! - 10%

The Bullet Points

Should "Cowboy" Bob Orton be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely, he deserves to be there. - 65%
I am fine with this induction. - 15%
Others deserve it ahead of him, but it's not the end of the world. - 5%
No opinion. - 5%
Kick this wrestler out! - 10%
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