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131. The Sandman

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131. The Sandman
Before “Stone Cold” Steve Austin was chugging beer on Monday Night Raw, there was the Sandman.  He didn’t just drink beer; he took the empty can and smashed his forehead with it, often drawing blood.  He also entered the ring smoking a cigarette with a kendo stick in hand, the latter of which would often find its way into his matches.

The Sandman may have been technically sloppy, but he was fearless in the ring and put on matches in ECW that someone who with his limited athleticism and skill had no business having.  As one of the top draws in Philadelphia, the Sandman would attempt WCW and later the WWE.  He was actually over with the crowd in Vince’s realm, but he never felt comfortable there and did not have a long tenure there.  Near the age of 50, it is unlikely that he will get back to the WWE, and the question is could he be the ECW mainstay (if there is one) who gets into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Should The Sandman be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely put him in! - 75.3%
Maybe, but others deserve it first. - 9.9%
Probably not, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. - 1.2%
No opinion. - 1.2%
No way! - 12.3%

The Bullet Points

  • Other Aliases: Jim Fullington (Real Name)
    Hardcore Hak
  • Billed From: U.S.A. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
  • Key Championships Held: ECW World Heavyweight (5)
    ECW World Tag Team w/2 Cold Scorpio
    FMW WEW Tag Team w/Kodo Fuyuki
  • Why they will get in: There is a lot of respect among the WWE for the accomplishments of ECW
  • Why they won't get in: When they honor those ECW stars, it will likely be the more technically capable wrestlers who get in.
  • Five Greatest Matches/Moments: 1.  Beats Tommy Dreamer in a Singapore Cane Match (8/13/94)
    2.  Loses a vicious death match to Cactus Jack (2/4/95)
    3.  Defeats Raven for the ECW Heavyweight Title (9/16/96)
    4.  Beat Sabu in a “Stairway to Hell” Match (1/10/98)
    5.  Teamed with Tommy Dreamer and lost the emotional Main Event against the Dudleys at ECW: One Night Stand (6/11/06)

Should The Sandman be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely put him in! - 75.3%
Maybe, but others deserve it first. - 9.9%
Probably not, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. - 1.2%
No opinion. - 1.2%
No way! - 12.3%
Last modified on Saturday, 27 April 2024 03:35

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