gold star for USAHOF

90. Television

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90.  Television

We asked ourselves a lot during this process why did so many Punk bands fizzle out so quickly? Was it truly just better to burn out than fade away? That is a debate for another time (and someone else’s website) but again we find another American Punk Rock group that had more historical significance than mainstream success.

During the embryonic stage of the New York Punk scene, Television became the first Rock band of any kind to play at CBGB’s which became the focal point of Punk. They were technically sound and their lead and rhythm guitar work were revered in music circles for their complexity and improvisation. Although they never moved beyond cult status in North America they became commercially successful in Europe influencing much of the Post Punk scene that followed. Their main album (Marquee Moon) continues to be revered and the chances of Television likely lie on the strength and legacy of that album. It hasn’t helped them get inducted thus far, but a band considered critical to Punk’s evolution has an outside shot for induction. 


FilmStrip Rock.Television (Tribute Site)

Should Television be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely put them in! - 90.8%
Maybe, but others deserve it first. - 4%
Probably not, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. - 2.3%
No opinion. - 0%
No way! - 2.9%

The Bullet Points

  • Eligible Since: Monday, 01 January 2001
  • Country of Origin: U.S.A. (New York City, NY)
  • Why they will get in: Important Punk bands always have a shot.
  • Why they won't get in: Television never hit the mainstream at all and their career was a very brief one.
  • Nominated in: Never
  • Essential Albums: Marquee Moon (1977)
    Adventure (1978)
  • Our Five Favorite Songs as Chosen by Each Member of the NIHOF Committee: Little Johnny Jewel (Single, 1975)
    Marquee Moon (From Marquee Moon, 1977)
    Prove It (From Marquee Moon, 1977)
    Torn Curtain (From Marquee Moon, 1977)
    Foxhole (From Adventure, 1978)

Should Television be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely put them in! - 90.8%
Maybe, but others deserve it first. - 4%
Probably not, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. - 2.3%
No opinion. - 0%
No way! - 2.9%


Jun 19, 2024

Buy your Tickets to see Television Skies, Le Boss, Meh, Bend HERE!


Sep 11, 2024

Buy your Tickets to see National Television Awards 2024 HERE!

Last modified on Tuesday, 30 May 2023 22:14

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