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Not in Hall of Fame News

New Logo!

As you have seen, The Notinhalloffame logo is made up of four images, representing Rock and Roll, Baseball, Hockey and the WWE. Initially, we selected Alice Cooper to be the musical representative. With his impending induction, we are removing Alice from the logo. In its place, we have selected the Canadian triumvirate of Rush who has a strong contingent of fans pushing for their induction. Who will be removed next due to their induction?
The Football Hall of Fame has announced their fifteen Finalists. Making the cut are: Marshall Faulk Deion Sanders Shannon Sharpe Willie Roaf Curtis Martin Cortez Kennedy Cris Carter Richard Dent Jerome Bettis Tim Brown Chris Doleman Andre Reed Dermonti Dawson Charles Haley Ed Sabol There are really little surprises in this list and the only think that does pop out is tha amount of first year nomineess; all of which have a legitimate shot to get in. A minimum of four and maximum of seven will be chosen on February 5, the day before the Super Bowl. Who should get…
Well gang, the votes are in Bert Blyleven and Roberto Alomar was elected to Cooperstown. In the case of Blyleven, the wait seemed excruciatingly long as he slowly had a case built for him on sabremetrics and longevity and he grew his support from 17.5 percent in 1998 to 79.7 this year. Many online campaigns have rallied around the pitcher’s cause and there are likely many smiling faces in Minnesota. With Roberto Alomar, he received a sizable 90 percent, which has to make people wonder what he delay was the year previous. Alomar is easily the best second basemen of…

Brett Favre Retires?

If Brett Favre is indeed retired, he is going out with a whimper instead of a bang. Stat wise, this has been the grizzled veteran's worst year ever and this coupled with his numerous injuries and texting scandals it is likely a year he wants to forget. It can be easily debated that Favre made a mistake coming back. Regardless, Brett Favre retires holding the bulk of the NFL Quarterback records and is usually in the discussion for the top ten QBs of all time. There should be little doubt that when eligible, he will vault to number one on…

Hockey List Updated!!!!

With the induction of Dino Ciccarelli it is time to look ahead towards 2011 and the next batch of eligible Hockey players. Needless to say, Dino is off the list, but we welcome three new men to our illustrious Hockey list. Eligible for next year's class and entering our list for the first year is famed Goaltender, Ed Belfour, and the tall lanky Center who made his name known as a Canuck, Trevor Linden. As we much as we have mad respect for Linden, the odds are that the Hockey Hall of Fame will elude him. Thankfully, he has…

Captain Beefheart mourns the loss of Captain Beefheart, who passed away earlier today. Born, Don Van Vliet, Captain Beefheart was a Avant Garde musician who pushed the boundaries of music and inspired multiple musicians. Beefheart was our #47 selection, and will likely remain a high ranked act on our list for years to come. We are going to sit back and listen to Trout Mask Replica and remember a man we consider a legend.

Rest in Peace, Bob Feller

Notinhalloffame mourns the loss of Hall of Fame pitcher, Bob Feller. The legendary hurler goes down in history as one of the greatest Cleveland Indians of all time and will be missed. His contribution to baseball will not be forgotten. Mr. Feller was 92 years old.
Well gang, the votes are in and like every year, surprises have occurred. First let’s take a look at who got inducted this year. Alice Cooper We at are thrilled with this induction and will be happy to have Alice Cooper leave our list. This was his first nomination, after being eligible for over fifteen years, and in many ways this feels like the committee is “righting a wrong”. However, a look at the other nominees may also point at Cooper being the true “Rock” representative of the list; a possibility that becomes increasing ironic considering the name of…

Congrats to Pat Gillick congratulates Pat Gillick, who has just been selected by the Baseball Veteran's Committee for the Baseball Hall of Fame. It is well deserved, and we are happy that he got in, as many times the Veteran's Committee selects nobody.

Ron Santo (1940 - 2010) is sad to learn of the passing of Ron Santo, our #11 Selection on our Baseball list. Santo may go down as one of the most popular Chicago Cubs of all time, and many of his fans have long considered his omission from the Baseball Hall of Fame to be an injustice. In his first year of eligibility, he recieved less than five percent of the vote and was thus dropped from the ballot; though he was placed back on five years later. His support grew, but in his final year of eligibility, he received 43.1 percent of the…