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Rachel Marron

Rachel Marron
The critics destroyed the Bodyguard, but the film going public flocked to it in droves. The movie propelled Whitney Houston to the biggest she would ever be and her first starring role as diva, Rachel Marron showed the world that she could act, and her singing pipes were at full steam with her version of “I Will Always Love You” rocketing to the top of the charts as well as the album taking over as the highest selling soundtrack of all time. Those kind of sales could translate into a Hall of Fame spot, couldn’t it? We will let you decide that one!

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
The Bodyguard (1992)

Whitney Houston

Songs you might remember:
I Will Always Love You
I Have Nothing

Why you should vote for her:
This had a monster hit and remains the highest selling soundtrack of all time.

Why you should not vote for her:
As big is this was, is this a character that you even think about in the top ten when it comes to Fictitious Singers?



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