gold star for USAHOF

2. The Rock

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2. The Rock
When The Rock called himself the most electrifying man in sports entertainment he wasn’t kidding. There has been no wrestler before or after who was could captivate an audience like he could. The amount of wrestlers who have tried to segue over into Hollywood is long but only Dwayne Johnson became a megastar in that medium. Vince McMahon has often been quoted that he was not in the wrestling business but that he was in the entertainment business. It seems that no past employee of Vince ever personified that statement better than the Rock.

In the ring he was not a selfish athlete. He made a lot of other performers look good and often lost on big stages for the greater good of the company. He didn’t have to win all the time to become a star; rather he used his status to elevate others. The Rock may not have been the greatest wrestler (though he was better than he got credit for) but he was the greatest entertainer that wrestling ever had.

The question for induction is whether Dwayne Johnson would accept the invitation. His movie career is solid and shows no sign of slowing down; essentially he does not have to come back. Now that he has chosen to return in a limited capacity could Vince resist the induction, especially in his hometown?  We don't think he could.

Should The Rock be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely put him in! - 92.9%
Maybe, but others deserve it first. - 2.1%
Probably not, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. - 2.1%
No opinion. - 0.6%
No way! - 2.1%

The Bullet Points

  • Other Aliases: Dwayne Johnson (Real Name)
    Flex Kavana
  • Billed From: U.S.A. (Miami, FL)
  • Key Championships Held: USWA Tag Team (2) w/Bart Sawyer
    WWF Intercontinental (2)
    WWF/E World Heavyweight (8)
    WWF World Tag Team (5) (3w/Mankind, 1w/ The Undertaker, 1w/Chris Jericho
    WCW World Heavyweight (2)
  • Why they will get in: He was one of the biggest stars of all time and Vince would love to have him appear at the ceremony for the guaranteed publicity.
  • Why they won't get in: He may find himself above it at this point in his life.
  • Five Greatest Matches/Moments: 1. Was the sole survivor for his team in his PPV debut (11/17/96)
    2. Wins four matches (The Big Boss Man, Ken Shamrock, The  Undertaker & Mankind) & to become the youngest (at that time) WWF  World Heavyweight Champion (11/15/98)
    3. Match of the year in winning the WWF World Title in an I Quit Match  against Mankind (1/24/99)
    4. “This is Your Life” segment on Raw is the highest rated segment in  wrestling history (9/27/99)
    5. Match of the year at Wrestlemania in a Legend VS Icon match against Hulk Hogan (3/17/02)

Should The Rock be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely put him in! - 92.9%
Maybe, but others deserve it first. - 2.1%
Probably not, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. - 2.1%
No opinion. - 0.6%
No way! - 2.1%


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Last modified on Monday, 25 April 2022 22:30
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