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82. Gunther

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82.  Gunther
Ding Dong Song
Highest Billboard Position:
Uncharted in 2004

If you think about it, the penis is prominently figured in many songs.  Sure, most of them are implied in love songs, and although the phallus is not actually named, it is implied that said member would be utilized (or was) in some capacity.  However, direct songs about the penis are generally not a good idea; especially if it is referred to as a “Tra La La”.

Sweden may have given the world ABBA, but it also provided Gunther, who looks like the poster boy for the next wave of Eurotrash.  Adopting (what we think is) a German accent he “croons” with the sexuality of a coffee table “Oooh, you touched my tra la la. My ding ding dong” which then leads to standard Eurobeats.  In the video, the sleazy looking Gunther (complete with mullet and pornstache) appears with scantily clad women who he has apparently just slept with, leading the viewer to think that European women have very low standards.  Of course in America every fat guy in a sitcom (even the cartoons) have a level jumping wife, so who are we to judge?  Transcontinental debate aside, any song directly focusing on a penis is just not a good idea, not even a “ding ding dong”.

How awful is Ding Dong Song?

I totally agree, Ding Dong Song is god awful! - 42.9%
Ding Dong Song is bad, but there is much worse. - 0%
Ding Dong Song is actually a guilty pleasure. - 0%
No opinion. - 14.3%
You are nuts, Ding Dong Song is amazing. - 42.9%


Jun 29, 2024

Buy your Tickets to see  Central Committee Presents Bloody Head // Gunther Prague // + Speci HERE!

Last modified on Tuesday, 19 September 2017 20:30
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