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Sam Malone

Sam Malone
The former relief pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, Sam “Mayday” Malone was your typical womanizing (though not always the swiftest) ex-jock. Malone was one of the top leading sitcom men in the 80’s and early 90’s and his show, Cheers, was one of the highest rated shows of its day.

We saw a lot of Sam’s athletic past, as the company ringer for the softball team, striking out playmates in a charity game, a commercial with Luis Tiant and an unfulfilled comeback. As much was made of Malone’s baseball career, we love that fact and could champion him for the Hall. Hell, Sports Illustrated even ran an article that detailed his career stats (an impressive feat for any fictitious athlete). The only thing we can’t understand was his attraction to Shelley Long; we’ll call that one a blown save.

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
Cheers (1983-1992)

Ted Danson

Position Portrayed:
Relief Pitcher

Played for:
Boston Red Sox

Why you should vote for him:
He remains one of the great characters of Sitcom history

Why you should not vote for him:
Diane Chambers…..the Sondra Locke of 80’s Sitcoms.


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