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  • Published in Football

27. Louis Wright

Considered a shutdown Cornerback before there was such a term, Louis Wright would play his entire career with the Denver Broncos.  Drafted in the 1st Round (17th Overall) from San Jose State, Wright paid immediate dividends by being named to the First Team All-Rookie squad.  Denver was developing a reputation for their Orange Crush Defense, but if anyone got past them, they would have Louis Wright to contend with.  Wright was easily one of the best Corners in the late '70s going to the Pro Bowl in 1977, 1978, and 1979 and was a First Team All-Pro in the latter two seasons.  He was also crucial in helping Denver reach their first Super Bowl, a loss to Cowboys in Super Bowl XII.

Despite Denver's Super Bowl appearance, Wright's exploits were not nationally recognized.  One of the most adept at shadowing a receiver, Wright's instincts were incredible, and in every game he played, his opposing Offensive Coorrdinator planned schmes to avoid throwing to Wright.

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