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Sam Winters

Sam WInters
We love James Caan in almost everything that he has ever done, but despite receiving top billing in the College Football film, “The Program”, we just could not help but feel that he was going through the motions. Usually a coach in a sports picture has a signature speech or a moment, but we received neither here. The closest we got was when Winters faced the press with a look as if he knew he was going to get a hundred bullets to his chest at a tollbooth. Not exactly Coach of the Year material.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
The Program (1993)

James Caan

Role Portrayed:
Head Coach of the ESU Timberwolves

Why you should vote for him:
It’s Sonny Corleone!

Why you should not vote for him:
Caan came across so bland in the movie…..not what we would expect from a Corleone.



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