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Neil Diamond

It is really hard to find a place on the world that has not heard a Neil Diamond song, nor a band that hasn’t covered one. Diamond has one of those rare gifts of writing music that has a timeless quality about them and for someone classified as an Adult Contemporary artist he could put on a show with the dynamic force of performers half his age. The mid 70’s found Diamond’s music continue to get softer which may have gained him new listeners, but did him no favors with the critics. Regardless, as long as current artists and new fans keep “discovering” Diamond (especially his early work), his legacy will continue to grow, as will his chances to be inducted.

31. Brian Eno

As shown by our earlier and later inclusions we don’t have a problem listing artists (in varying capacities) twice. Already on this list as a member of Roxy Music, Brian Eno would probably be in our top five should we ever get around to listing producers but for now we will settle for a solid top fifty rank for his solo work.


12. King Crimson

Considering the amount of Progressive Rock bands on this list and the lack of Progressive Rock representation in the hall we have often wondered if any of them will ever get through. Despite the relatively high ranking we are giving King Crimson and the high regard they are held in many circles, this is likely not the band that will break down the door for the rest of the genre.


Depeche Mode

Some of the artists on this list seemingly exploded out of the gate with an album that told you that they had the potential to be something special. In looking back at Depeche Mode, none of us in the NIHOF committee really thought that the band that gave us “Just Can’t Get Enough” would be a band that would have a potential Hall of Fame career.


Cat Stevens

In the early 70’s, Cat Stevens established his mark as a brilliant songwriter capable of delivering hits on both sides of the Atlantic. His songs were deep, personal and introspective and to many who were followers of the Singer/Songwriter movement, Cat Stevens was considered a member of its elite. Few could be considered so powerful with such a soft singing voice. Certainly, one to march to his own tune, Stevens turned his back on the music industry, converted to Islam and has until recently has been largely out of the public eye.


15. The Monkees

Many of the musicians on this list create a polarizing opinion as to their “validity”. In the latter half of the 1960’s, there likely was no group that separated fans as much the Monkees did. Their bubblegum image and status as a corporate creation were labels that they couldn’t shake, and despite the fun solid music they made they were a group that was not considered “cool” at their height.


Stevie Ray Vaughan

A few of us remembered at NIHOF when Stevie Ray Vaughan passed away in a tragic helicopter crash.  A running joke that went around was how terrible it was that Stevie Ray was dead and all the New Kids on the Block are still alive.Nearly twenty years later, his fans miss him as much as they did when he was first taken (and are still cranky that all five New Kids are still alive).


The Steve Miller Band

The NIHOF Committee wonders if other people feel the same way about our next selection. All five of us were fans of the Steve Miller Band, though none of us could really say that Miller was one of all time favorites or a must see on the concert tour. The Steve Miller Band certainly has a solid fan base, though based on our little cross section the fan base is not a passionate one.

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