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3 Doors Down

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3 Doors Down
The first ten years of this millennium has been kind to 3 Doors Down in many ways.   They have been a constant on the Billboard charts and have been one of the few Post Grunge bands who haven’t sounded watered down. At their core, they are decent Rock band who appealed to Pop, Alternative and Metal and did so without a perceived sell out factor.   They are very much on the outside looking in at this point, but there is still time for that to change.

The Bullet Points:
Eligible Since:

Country of Origin:
U.S.A. (Escatawpa, Mississippi)

NIHOF’s Favorite Album:
The Better Life (2000)

NIHOF’s Favorite Song:
It’s Not My Time (From 3 Doors Down, 2008)

Should 3 Doors Down be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely put them in! - 58.3%
Maybe, but others deserve it first. - 16.7%
Probably not, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. - 0%
No opinion. - 0%
No way! - 25%
Last modified on Wednesday, 30 September 2015 19:59
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