gold star for USAHOF

33. Jordy

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33.  Jordy

Dur dur d’etre bebe!
Highest Billboard Position:
#58 in 1992

For a country known for its refined taste, it’s ironic how they are maligned for their choices in pop culture.  Sure, this is the country that is laughed at in the west for considering Jerry Lewis the funniest man on the planet, yet their biggest abomination (even bigger than Tony Parker’s French rap album) was allowing a four year old to top their pop charts.  In 1992 when the rest of the world was discovering grunge, French record producer, Claude Lemoine was discovering how to “Jon Benet” his kid.  He had his four year old cut the song “Dur dur d’etre bebe” which translated into English is “It’s Tough to be a Baby”.  His parents pimped him out on the European television circuit and he was exploited worse than Gary Coleman was thirty years previous.   Jordy continued to record but the French government banned his music from radio and television amidst fear that their parents were exploiting their child for commercial gain.  The government was right as his parents created a children’s amusement park (called Jordy’s Farm) in another effort to milk every Franc they could out of the kid.  It was a financial disaster and Jordy was soon to be legally emancipated from the worst father until Chris Benoit proved his parenting skills years later.   Say what you want about France, but kudos to a country that legally banned crap.

How awful is Dur dur d’etre bebe!?

I totally agree, Dur dur d’etre bebe! is god awful! - 85.7%
Dur dur d’etre bebe! is bad, but there is much worse. - 0%
Dur dur d’etre bebe! is actually a guilty pleasure. - 0%
No opinion. - 0%
You are nuts, Dur dur d’etre bebe! is amazing. - 14.3%
Last modified on Thursday, 29 June 2017 19:32

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