gold star for USAHOF

39. Al MacAdam

39. Al MacAdam

Prior to being a North Star, Al MacAdam was a two-time All Star with Cleveland Barons, the team that merged its assets with Minnesota in 1978.  The Right Winger might not have been named an All Star while he played for Minnesota but it was while wearing the green, gold and white that he had his best season, a 94 Point campaign in 1979-80 where he would also win the Bill Masterton Trophy.

The following year he would have an excellent post season (19 Points in 19 Games) helping the shocking North Stars reach the Stanley Cup Finals.  MacAdam would score 340 Points overall for Minnesota.

The Bullet Points

  • Position: Right Wing
  • Acquired: Protected by Minnesota prior to the Minnesota-Cleveland Dispersal Draft 6/15/78.
  • Departed:

    Traded to the Vancouver Canucks for Harold Snepts 6/21/84.

  • Games Played: 459
  • Notable Statistics: 138 Goals
    202 Assists
    340 Points
    214 PIM
    .74 PPG
    +37 Plus/Minus
    24.4 Point Shares

    63 Playoff Games
    20 Goals
    24 Assists
    44 Points
    21 PIM
    .70 PPG
    +3 Plus/Minus
  • Major Accolades and Awards:

    Bill Masterton Trophy (1980)

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