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  • Published in Football

25. Kevin Williams

Making an instant statement with the Minnesota Vikings after being drafted ninth overall from Oklahoma State, Kevin Williams recorded 10 Quarterback Sacks in each of his first two seasons. 

The Defensive Tackle would become one half of the famed “Williams Wall” with Pat Williams for the Vikings and was named to the First Team All-Pro roster five times, including a four-year streak from 2006 to 2009.  In the latter half of the 2000s, Williams was the most complete DTs in football, with the ability to pass rush and stuff the run with equal ability.  He played with the Vikings until 2013, with a year in Seattle and one in New Orleans to close his career.

He would accumulate 63 Sacks and a whipping 129 in Approximate Value, but amongst the recent Defensive Tackles in football, his omission from serious Canton consideration is mindboggling.

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