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26. Sterling Sharpe

Much like our entry with Terrell Davis, we wonder what kind of career numbers Sterling Sharpe would have put up had a neck injury not prematurely ended his career in his prime in 1994.  It is not out of the realm of possibility to think that he could have in the top ten in every major receiving category had he stayed healthy.

Sterling Sharpe was productive in every year he was in the NFL.  Three times he led the league in receptions and was the main go-to target for Brett Favre when the latter joined the Packers.  His apex season was in 1992 when he won the Wide Receiver’s version of the “Triple Crown” where he was the top performer in receptions, receiving yards, and receiving touchdowns.  In joining that elite group, many felt that he was truly the top Wide Receiver in the NFL.   In his prime, Sharpe’s attributes included top-notch speed, with the next level after he caught the pigskin.  Watching Sharpe play was like seeing a trained gazelle escape lions.

He was still at the top of his game when he was forced to retire from a freak injury at the age of 29.  Had he remained healthy, where would he be on all-time receiving lists, and would he have made the Packers the dynasty?  We’ll never know.

Should Sterling Sharpe be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely put him in! - 87.5%
Maybe, but others deserve it first. - 7.6%
Probably not, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. - 3.6%
No opinion. - 0.1%
No way! - 1.2%
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