gold star for USAHOF

From the Desk of the Chairman

Mature women have always been popular with men of all ages. Whether a hundred years ago or today, no man can resist the charm of a lady over 40. They know how to pick the right words and make any man dedicate poems to them at one glance. In fact, that’s exactly what many rock ‘n’ roll stars have done, and it was their love for mature women that gave birth to songs like Stacy’s Mom or Hot for Teacher.

How Music Connects Lonely Hearts

Music can work miracles; everyone knows that. It heals souls and connects lonely hearts worldwide, no matter what language you speak or what color your skin is. Even just opening any dating site to find MILFs, all you have to do is specify your musical preferences, and within minutes your DM will be stuffed with mature women who share your tastes.

Finding someone who likes the same songs as you is like finding a soulmate with whom you’ll always have something in common, no matter where fate takes you. That’s why many men who want to meet mature women but don’t know how to approach them use the topic of music as an icebreaker on MILF dating sites. And it works because who doesn’t love good old smash hits?

And what about you? Do you consider yourself a fan of classic rock ‘n’ roll? Maybe you share Van Halen and The Police’s love of gorgeous older women and want to get some inspiration before you approach the MILF of your dreams? If so, here are the most famous five songs from big rock artists that celebrate the beauty of older ladies!

  • Fountains of Wayne – Stacy’s Mom

If there’s a perfect song dedicated to MILFs, it’s Stacy’s Mom. Fountains of Wayne’s mischievous ode to teenage fantasies was a success. “Stacy’s Mom” reached No. 21 on the Billboard Hot 100 (it was their first song to make the chart) and number 11 in the UK. This song gave the band Grammy nominations for Best Pop Vocal Performance and Best New Artist in 2004.

It is dedicated to gorgeous moms who drive young guys crazy with their stunning sexuality. It’s about how mature women can turn a young guy on in seconds with their small tricks. “Your mom came out with just a towel on / I could tell she liked me from the way she stared / And the way she said, you missed a spot over there.” “Stacy’s Mom” proves that MILFs have always been and always will be popular with men of all ages and all generations!

  • Simon & Garfunkel – Mrs. Robinson

The song became popular primarily because it was included on the soundtrack of the movie Absolwent with Dustin Hoffman. Mrs. Robinson is played by Anne Bancroft, a middle-aged woman who seduces young Benjamin Braddock (Hoffman). However, the song was originally to be called “Mrs. Roosevelt,” referring (probably) to Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Because of becoming the soundtrack to a movie that tells the story of a mature woman who seduces a younger man, “Mrs. Robinson” became tightly associated with this kind of relationship. For many years, it was the anthem of men who were crazy about older women.

  • Van Halen – Hot for Teacher

It is a typical fantasy of many young students worldwide that doesn’t lose relevance no matter how much time passes. There is something about educated and experienced women that makes guys fall in love with them over and over again. A gorgeous, mature teacher who drives young guys crazy. In the clip, a mature teacher in a bikini, dances on stage in front of her students, and they applaud her. “I got it bad, so bad, I’m hot for teacher,” the band sings, and we couldn’t agree more!

  • The Police – Wrapped Around Your Finger

This song can be interpreted in many different ways. If we judge from the words of Sting, who is the author of the song, it is a story from his life. It is about getting revenge on someone by turning the situation 180 degrees; it has mythological and literary references, including the monsters Scylla and Charybdis from Greek mythology and the German legend of Faust.

But the underlying meaning aside, the text is perceived quite differently. “Hypnotized by you if I should linger / Staring at the ring around your finger.” It seems as if the song is about a young guy who falls under the spell of a married, mature woman. “I’ll be wrapped around your finger,” the chorus lines keep saying, as if alluding to a powerful, cunning woman who lures young men into her net. Which interpretation do you prefer?

  • Queen – Fat Bottom Girls

The song, which later reached No. 24 on the Billboard Hot 100, was written by Queen guitarist Brian May and released in 1978. It is not hard to guess that it is dedicated to his love for mature women with big bottoms, and judging by the popularity of the song at the time, so many men worldwide could not agree more. The lyrics of the song are about a guy who goes crazy over the beauty of curvy mature women and considers them his greatest treasure; it’s about how curvy women make his world go round. 

Love for mature women is a phenomenon that has existed for decades. They fascinate men with their natural attractiveness and rich life experience, so it is not surprising that songs were and are dedicated to them. And as a true fan of classic rock ‘n’ roll, which of the songs do you like best?

How Do Champions Spend Their Free Time?

When it comes to achieving greatness in sports, talent and hard work are not the only ingredients necessary for success. There are several factors involved that make an athlete who he or she is. This includes the kind of training and exercises you do, the food you eat, and any other thing you do at home when not playing. Having a routine and doing all these consistently is what makes them champions. In this article, we will explore how they spend their free time when not competing.

Rest and Recovery

For athletes to perform at their best, taking a rest to recover is important. This gives them time for their bodies to recuperate and recharge. They need to get enough sleep and sometimes engage in activities that help them relax and unwind. One activity they like engaging in during their downtime is online gaming. You can read the ruby fortune casino review to learn about the variety of games available. This includes slots and table events like blackjack and roulette. These can help them to relax their mind and unwind as they take their minds off the pressure of competition. However, it's important to note that while gaming can be a fun way to relax, it should never interfere with an athlete's training or sleep schedule. Champions know the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between their hobbies and their professional responsibilities.

Hobbies and Interests

Athletes often have a variety of hobbies and interests that they enjoy. These can range from artistic pursuits like painting and writing to physical activities like hiking and surfing. Whatever it may be, it's important for athletes to have something outside of their sport. Things they can turn to for enjoyment and relaxation. For example, tennis legend Roger Federer is known for his love of traveling and spending time with his family. He often takes them on tour with him and enjoys exploring new cities and cultures when he has time off from tennis. Similarly, Olympic gymnast Simone Biles is a passionate advocate for mental health. She uses her platform to encourage others to take care of their emotional well-being.

Training and Practice

Of course, it goes without saying that champions spend a significant amount of their free time on training and practice. As seen before, rest and relaxation are important for recovery. However, it’s also essential to continue working on skills and fitness to stay on top of the game.

This may mean working with a coach or trainer to improve specific areas of their performance. They sometimes spend extra time in the gym to build strength and endurance. It may also mean studying game footage or analyzing their opponents' tactics to stay ahead of the competition.

One example of a champion who is known for his rigorous training schedule is basketball superstar LeBron James. He is famous for his intense workouts and spends hours each day on strength training and conditioning. This helps in maintaining his peak physical form.

Family and Relationships

Athletes often have busy schedules and demanding training regimens. But they also make time for their family and loved ones. They understand the importance of maintaining strong connections with those who support them. This might mean taking a day off to spend time with their children. They can also attend family events and gatherings. Even if there is some distance between them, they still use phone calls, texts, or social media to keep in touch. They may also volunteer their time or resources to charitable organizations.


Champions understand the importance of using their free time wisely and strategically. It helps them to support their overall success. They often enjoy leisure activities and relaxation. However, it’s important to prioritize those that align with their goals. This includes promoting physical and mental well-being. They can pursue hobbies that build their skills and engage in regular exercise and other healthy habits. Additionally, they can also spend time with loved ones. But they know that this can directly impact their performance and long-term success. Champions can maintain their focus by embracing a disciplined and intentional approach to their free time. These will help them remain active and enjoy a fulfilling and balanced life.

Every once in a while, in any sport played in the USA, there is a player who walks off the field in their final game and, metaphorically, straight into the Hall of Fame. Such players are not like Zach Thomas, who played with distinction for years in the NFL but was unfortunate to miss out repeatedly until he was inducted this year. A “first ballot” Hall of Famer, someone who after the mandatory five years of retirement is elected in his first year of eligibility, is rare - but we can be fairly sure that in 2028, Tom Brady will be one.

What is it that makes a player such an inevitable inductee into their sport’s Valhalla in this way? It differs between sports, from a statistical point of view. If people are heading to to find a betting site just so they can bet on one team, there is a fair chance it has a first ballot Hall of Famer on it. But there are certain characteristics about a player whose place in the pantheon of greats is guaranteed, and we’ll run through them here.

They can carry a team on their back


Not that they’ll usually need to, because the presence of such a player attracts other high-achievers and improves the players around them. But a player like Brady or Michael Jordan could go into a seeming fugue state where the sport happened through them, making clutch play after clutch play and delivering a team to the optimal success whenever they needed to. In 2017, Brady took the Patriots from 28-3 down at the half to win in overtime against the Falcons, securing yet another Super Bowl ring. And the scary thing about it was just how routine he made it look.

They are admired even by those who can’t like them


You could say that Brady and Jordan lacked a certain natural charisma that made people warm to them as people. This is often a trait in perfectionists and winners; they don’t always understand or value the idea of being liked. When it comes down to it, doing what they do to the highest possible degree is what matters to them. When they’re doing their thing, rival fans may be praying for them to come up short. But the main reason people are happy to see those rare failures is because they know that if a player like this gets in a groove, there’s nothing the opponent can do to stop them. We may not always love these players, but we can’t help but admire them.

They are talked about as future Hall of Famers before they’ve even retired


Zach Thomas is the perfect example of someone who deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, but had to wait years before he was finally inducted. There was uncertainty as to whether it would happen, because he was good, but there was a dispute over whether he was great. There is no disputing the greatness of a Brady, a Jordan, or a Wayne Gretzky. The closest thing we have to a future first ballot inductee in any sport right now is probably LeBron James - and to reach that level, look at the career he’s had to have.

The feeling of gambling in a brick-and-mortar casino is influenced by the flashing lights, the constantly fascinating people staring at you, and the desire to come out on top. Gamblers can play at casinos online, sometimes referred to as online casinos. This sport has advanced with technology to include online casinos where winning money may be done anytime, anyplace. The following are the top benefits of visiting businesses:

You can access it Easily

The benefit of having a nice casino right around the corner is only available to those who live in urban areas. Online casinos like situs slot online eliminate the need to travel to and from venues, pay parking costs, locate casinos and their buildings, and play quickly. It simply takes a few seconds to upload funds, select the ideal game, and begin betting. Players may visit gambling websites at anytime, anyplace, and at the convenience of their own homes. A smartphone casino and high-speed internet connectivity would be helpful.

Beginner Friendly

Gambling sites are the best place to start if you are new to gaming. It is user-friendly for beginners, and several of the games include comprehensive explanations and help. However, it might be challenging for a trainee to keep up before entering the field where gaming masters are found. The game has tales and experiences that put pressure on you and leave you with little to no time to comprehend the game. Because there is no need to interact in person with the veterans in an online casino, there is less pressure and tension, which makes learning more enjoyable.


Casinos make every effort to win your patronage, which leads to offers like early payment matching, entrance fee competitions, and more. Gambling gets more enjoyable as you extract more money from casino sites. Examine the guidelines governing the minimum deposit and wager amounts to make sure you benefit from eye-catching marketing.

Plenty of Games

You have a lot of options when it comes to making money at online casinos. With the several fantastic gaming possibilities offered on numerous websites, winning is achievable. Before placing a wager, you must first find the game you wish to play. You may gamble on baccarat, blackjack, roulette, and horse racing in addition to other games. Your knowledge of betting will increase if you play a range of games. The secret to winning is having a full understanding of the game you're playing.

Safety and Security

You don't need to be concerned about someone stealing your money when playing at an online casino. Your money is always assured to be secure at online casinos. Companies have teamed up with reputable online financial advisory providers to offer the safest possible environment for transactions. To make sure their customer is on a safe platform, they also use the most recent security procedures.

You need to discover a decent platform like slot online terbaik to take advantage of fantastic chances and work without stress if you want to prevent falling victim to scammers and being vulnerable. You may plan and establish objectives for your pleasure of casinos using the aforementioned advice.

Every nation has its formative sporting moments; those events that gather friends and family around a TV to watch the action unfold; which pick up viewers as time passes, as people call their friends and say, “have you seen what’s happening?”. These are the events that sports professionals talk about decades later when an interviewer asks them, “So, what made you want to pick up a stick/reach for a bat/grab your running shoes?”.

They are events that dominate the national conversation, at least for a week or so, and which have even been guiding smart wagers since sports betting in Canada became legal in 2021. When people say, “there’s no chance a Canadian player/team could [x]”, these are the moments people have cited to prove them wrong. So which moments have launched these revelations for a Canadian sporting audience?

Wayne Gretzky is traded to LA


Gretzky is nicknamed “The Great One”, and when you have a nickname that doesn’t reference your own name, you know you have joined the elite. No-one better has ever picked up a stick, and Edmonton Oilers fans were proud to call him their own for a decade starting in 1979. When Oilers owner Peter Pocklington traded Gretzky away to the Kings in 1988, the anger was so great that effigies of Pocklington were burned in public, and questions were asked in Parliament over whether the move could be blocked. Wounds heal, of course, and Gretzky is remembered these days simply as the best there ever was; he also - arguably single-handedly - made hockey a big deal even in warm-weather locations.

Donovan Bailey wins the Olympic 100m in 1996


Few events have been more scarring on the Canadian national sporting psyche than Ben Johnson’s 1988 Olympic win and the rapid overturning of that win due to a failed drug test. That story has been told and re-told, but redemption came for Canadian sprinting eight years later as Bailey, running in lane six, legitimately broke the world record and picked up gold. The race had been preceded by three false starts and the disqualification of defending champion Linford Christie; in the circumstances, Bailey’s focus and calm were astonishing.

The Blue Jays win the World Series in 1992. And then also in 1993.


Canadian teams were a late addition to Major League Baseball, beginning with Montreal in 1969. Toronto followed in the mid-70s, and it was the Jays who would first bring the World Series back over the border with them, knocking off perennial runners-up Atlanta in 1992. The triumph was more impressive when they repeated it the following year, defeating Philadelphia 4-2 in the series to become the first club since the Yankees in 1978 to retain the title.

Team Schmirler wins gold at the 1998 Winter Games

Curling was a medal sport for the first time at the 1998 games in Nagano, Japan. Selected after a competitive round-robin tournament, Sandra Schmirler’s rink represented the Maple Leaf in Japan. After setting the pace in the pool stages, Schmirler saw off Great Britain in the semi-final and then won in nine ends against Denmark to take gold. As a result, Schmirler became the first curler to appear on the front of the New York Times.


Paul Henderson. Moscow. 1972.


There have, as we have seen, been other moments in Canadian sports which has grabbed the hearts and minds of the nation. However, the final game of the Summit Series in Moscow had it all. With the series tied at three wins each and a single tie - and having come back from a 3-1 series deficit - Canada faced the Soviet Union one last time for the honor of being the world’s best ice hockey team. Trailing 5-3 at the entry to the final period, Canada needed something special. They got it.

Inspired by Phil Esposito, the visiting team mounted a comeback, culminating in Henderson’s rebound winner with 34 seconds left to play. Fifty years on, it is a moment that reverberates with hockey fans, including those who weren’t yet born when it happened.

The 2022 season was certainly an exciting one. However, as the Super Bowl, which serves as the pinnacle of season activities, is fast approaching, many are already setting their sights on the upcoming season. While the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs might have made it to the Super Bowl game this time around, there is no telling what could play out in the next season. For all we know, we might have a new set ofSuper Bowl teams.

Many teams underwent massive improvements in the 2022 NFL season, which could see them rise to dominance in the next season. Similarly, several teams are set to bolster their rosters with some of the best prospects at the NFL draft. This could also have them ideally positioned to contend for the title in 2023/2024.

Thus, in this article, we will explore some of the teams to pay attention to in anticipation of the 2023 season. Let's dive right in:

Chicago Bears

It might be a little strange that the Bears made this list, considering they are yet to consistently secure wins. However, a deeper look into this team confirms that it is indeed in an ideal position going into the 2023-24 season. One of the chief reasons is certainly the emergence of Justin Fields as a franchise quarterback. Fields has improved massively under the guidance of head coach Matt Eberflus as is evident in his most recent numbers. The second-year signal-caller managed a passer rating of 86.2 and seven touchdowns heading into Week 13. Undoubtedly, with a better team, Fields has the potential to become one of the most prolific QBs in the league.

With a projected cap space of $115 million, the Bears certainly have all it takes to build a better supporting cast around Fields. In addition, the team could use its first-round picks in the NFL Draft to secure an excellent receiver.

Detroit Lions

The Lions didn't have the most successful campaigns over the past season. However, those paying attention would likely have noticed the sparks indicating that this team is not far off from becoming elite. Much of this can be credited to head coach Dan Campbell who has shown an unshaken dedication to building a resilient team with a winning mentality.

This disposition is certainly yielding results, as the Lions managed a three-game winning streak until a loss against the Buffalo Bills in Week 12. Central to the Lions' moderate success has been a host of young players such as Aidan Hutchinson and Amon-Ra St. Brown. The team may also have an opportunity to secure a more long-term QB option in the 2023 NFL Draft, which could establish them as a top contender next season.

Jacksonville Jaguars

The Jaguars were in a building phase through the 2022 season and likely still are. However, from all indications, things are going well, and this team might only require a few more pieces to realize their full potential in the 2023-24 season. The Jaguars already have a franchise quarterback in Trevor Lawrence, who is living up to his draft status. He proved himself instrumental to the Jaguars' recent comeback win over Baltimore. Similarly, many other young talents have been pulling their weight, such as Trevon Walker, Josh Allen, Christian Kirk, and Devin Lloyd.

The Jaguars might be able to further improve their team through the draft in 2023, which will certainly see them pose a problem to other teams.

Pittsburgh Steelers

The Pittsburgh Steelers are another team slowly but steadily acquiring all that is required to become a quality top challenger in the NFL. A primary reason for this is, of course, Mike Tomlin, who has transformed the Steelers into a team that rarely has a losing season.

A major determinant of how far this team will go in the upcoming season will be Kenny Pickett. While the rookie quarterback didn't have the best of starts to the season, he has shown flashes of a franchise QB in recent weeks. Pickett's emergence, if sustained, will surely be instrumental to securing the position of the Steelers as a top team. Furthermore, if the team can manage to improve their defense, theirNFL odds are bound to improve dramatically in the 2023-24 season.

Final Thoughts

If there is anything we know about the NFL, it is that quality teams are rarely built overnight. Thus, while the teams mentioned in this article are by no means the best in the league currently, they might be making a gradual but sure march toward this status.

Slot games have become the most popular invention in online casinos.  Most players usually engage in slot games.  It is because these games and many others are easily accessible online.

Most online gamblers play slots to measure their luck while enjoying their time.  The simplicity and convenience of playing slots have led to this great increase in online gambling.  However, players need to check and verify the authenticity of the slots.  Some games might be rigged. And their chances of winning are reduced, while others may be genuine.

So, before playing online slots, what factors should you consider?  This article will guide you on what factors to consider before playing.

Return to Player

Each slot machine must have the expected payout rate.  The advantage of situs judi slot online games are that they have a slightly higher RTP than other games.  It is, therefore, easy to assume that every slot machine will have this high rate, which is only sometimes the case.

Before you play, find some information about the RTP.  You can do this by searching for popular titles and their percentage payback.

Bonuses and Promotions

You will get multiple terms and promotions and bonuses.   Most slot games have bonuses that help you boost your winnings.  Promotions offer opportunities to try out new games before playing with real money.

It is essential to always enquire before playing to experience a fulfilling game encounter.  Also, know other game requirements.  This increases your chances of winning and understanding the game well.


Many online casinos are free, thanks to technological inventions.  Some are free and devoid of money, while others are full of fraudulent intentions.  This means that many are unauthorized websites.  Thus confirm the legality of a site first before playing.


A budget is a very important factor to consider before playing.  Make a working budget and ensure you stick to it.  Always deposit money you are willing to lose.

If you lose, you will not regret it.  Jackpots can easily lure you into depositing more.  With a working budget, it will be easy for you. to overcome the temptation.  Alternatively, you can try the free online slot games.

A budget will also help you keep track of your spending.  You can regulate how much you spend on playing daftar slot online.

Final Thoughts

Online slots are some of the best games offered online.  They are easy to play, easily accessible and affordable, and they offer you a thrilling gaming experience.   However, before playing, ensure you have the above considerations in mind.  Don't play blindly.  Choose legit online casinos, set a budget, and look for slots with the highest bonuses.  Always go for slots with the highest RTP.  Whichever online slot game you choose to play, put the above information in mind.

As the new year reeled in, it will be another eventful for rugby aficionados. With the new games for the 2022-2023 season of rugby, fans are now trying to figure out who will be the new winner of the Rugby World Cup 2023. The league teams never fail to showcase new strategies and talents in every game each season, so fans also look forward to how their favorite teams will perform this year. 

If you're a bettor and think that this year might be the year your favorite team will mark their name in rugby's history, then you might as well take the chance to participate with them. 

To help you get started with sports betting online, here are a few things you must remember.

Find A Good Sportsbook 

The pandemic has been a significant reason for the rise of sportsbooks. A sportsbook is similar to a bookmaker who handles your bet onsite, except that it's online. This means you can conveniently place your wagers on the internet without visiting the site location during the Rugby Cup. 

Reliable gambling sites such as this website hold a license indicating their legitimacy in accepting and handling bets from their user base. It's important to note that you must look for them when trying to find a good site to bet on. This is because if a sportsbook doesn't hold any licenses, you'll risk being a victim of fraud and losing all your precious money. 

You must be attentive to every sportsbook site and carefully search their interface.

Determine What Bets You Can Place 

After studying the current favorites for the Rugby World Cup 2023, you should carefully decide what bets you can place. Aside from selecting the right team, you must also carefully choose the bet type you'll be playing since it can also affect the amount of money you can pay out and your winning chances. 

To give you an idea of what types of bets you can place, here are the most popular ones commonly offered by most sportsbooks. 

  • Match Betting. As its name suggests, outright betting is a simple type of Rugby game betting type. This betting option involves choosing the team you think will win the Rugby World Cup.
  • Handicap Betting. This is known as the Point Spread wager in other sports. The sportsbook will present a spread that the favorite should cover. Similarly, if you bet on the underdog, they must only lose less than what the sportsbook has presented or straight-up win the game to beat their odds. This wager might sound complicated, but it brings home a relatively good payout and becomes enjoyable over time.
  • Over/Under Betting. This type of betting involves the combined final scores of the match. It's about putting stakes on whether the final scores would go beyond what the sportsbook has presented or less than that. You'll then be required to place your wager in 'over' or 'under' bets to seal your bet. However, if the sportsbook's score and the final score end up equal, then the bets will be considered a push.

Deposit to Your Bankroll

Once you're all settled on what bets to place, it's not time for you to deposit on your bankroll. The bankroll would be the money you've prepared solely for betting. In other words, it's the total amount that you're prepared to lose when things go south. 

Furthermore, there are various payment channels for a sportsbook. It's best to carefully consider what payment method you'll be using because a good payment channel can serve as an extra layer of security for you. 

For instance, before you can deposit to your bankroll using Visa or MasterCard, they will first ask for confirmation from the card user via inputting the OTP or your PIN. If the system deems it unsuccessful, no transaction will be processed, and sometimes they can freeze your account if there are sketchy actions.

On the other hand, if you want to protect your identity, you can consider opening your own e-wallet since many sportsbooks now accept this as their mode of payment. It's a relatively secure payment channel that requires only your name, contact number, and email (optional) upon signing up. If worse comes to worst, hackers won't be able to get important information from you. 

Stop Before You Lose Anything

Most importantly, when placing your wagers, you must remember to gamble responsibly. You must not be overwhelmed by a winning streak or getting excited about the huge payout. Keep a grip on yourself and prevent losing control of yourself from betting. It's best to keep track of the wagers you placed and take a step back when you hit your limit. 

Also, avoid thinking about "redeeming" yourself if you hit a losing streak and reformulate your strategy by halting your betting activities. You'll never really know when you can get back what you just lost, and playing continuously might end up exhausting your bank. Stick to your budget and stop if you reach your limit, regardless of whether you win or not.

Final Thoughts

Betting in one of the most important rugby tournaments would be a great experience as a fan. If you can participate, take it and prepare everything necessary. Remember that the preparation part is crucial because betting combines luck and skill. Luck alone would decrease your chances of winning. As such, keep tabs on the tips mentioned above to get you started with sports betting online.

Poker is one of the most popular card games in the world, loved by both casual players and passionate gamblers. It's a good bet that you've heard of it, but do you know the history behind this classic card game?

While poker has been most popular among casino attendees, it is also known by card game fans all over the world. It can now even be played at home without physical cards with the help of online casinos, like the one you can access on the Luxury Casino Login page. Read on to learn a short history of the game and some of the most famous names in the field. 

Origins and Early History 

Poker has been around for centuries and has had a long history in America. It dates back to the 19th century, when it was first played by Native Americans and then later by settlers who traveled westward from Texas and Louisiana into California. However, this version of the game’s origin is not final, with many researchers arguing that it may have Persian or French roots. 

The earliest known reference to poker comes from English actor Joseph Cowell’s description from 1829. After that, it was mentioned in the 1837 edition of Foster's Complete Hoyle. In the course of the 19th century, the game spread across the US, gaining more popularity at the beginning of the 20th century.

First Competitions

Professional poker players have been around for just as long, with the first tournaments drawing considerable crowds.

The World Series of Poker (WSOP) began in 1970 as a small satellite tournament at Binion's Horseshoe Casino in Las Vegas. The first incarnation was a small gathering that took place at Binion's Horseshoe Casino in Las Vegas. It was only meant to last one day, but because it was such a success, they decided to make this an annual event. 

It wasn't until 1972 that it became an annual event, but by this point, people from all over were competing against one another for thousands of dollars in prize money. Now, it’s one of the largest poker tournaments in history—with more than a million entrants each year.

The formation of the World Series of Poker may have further cemented professional poker players into the public’s consciousness. The WSOP has inspired other notable tournaments that have come after its creation: The European Poker Tour, Asia Championship of Poker, and the Asia Pacific Poker Tour Macau Grand Prix all share some similarities with their predecessor, but also offer unique challenges to those who participate in them.

Poker Hall of Fame

In 1979, Benny Binion, designer of the WSOP, introduced an idea that all serious players could aspire to – induction into the Poker Hall of Fame.

Binion’s idea was to create a place where people could go and see the greats of the game. The thought that there would be an official list of players who had done something great in their careers was foreign and exciting at the time.

A number of professional players have made history by winning multiple WSOP bracelets. Some of the most notable multi-bracelet winners are Doyle Brunson, Johnny Chan, and Phil Ivey; all three have won more than 10 bracelets each.

In addition to these three legends, there are many other players who have been able to win multiple WSOP titles throughout their careers. For example: 

  • Erik Seidel won nine bracelets between 1992 and 2021; 
  • Daniel Negreanu won six bracelets between 1998 and 2013; 
  • Barry Greenstein won three bracelets in 2004-2008.


Poker has a rich history resulting in the Poker Hall of Fame as a way to honor the best and brightest players. There are many great professionals who deserve recognition for their contributions to the game we all love so much. Now that the game is easily accessible to everyone in their homes, whether you want to watch tournaments or play it yourself, you can join the development of its history and follow professionals in their successes. 

Sexuality and athletics are inextricably linked. Throughout history, many black athletes have come out as gay or shown their support for gays. Their unapologetic commitment, courage, and commitment have made them social icons. They give much-needed visibility and voice to the members of the black gay community. A study by Magrath has shown that many active athletes who identify as gay are shown tremendous support and acceptance by society. Although we only know of a few black gay active athletes, there's a sea change of acceptance for black gays thanks to the increasing number of folks showing gay support in the industry.

1.   Wade Davis II

Wade Allan is a writer, speaker, activist, and former football player. Nine years after the end of his career, he came out as gay. Wade shared his fears of being out while still nurturing his football career. He was always cautious with his actions and words, worrying about his teammates ever finding out his orientation.

The perspective on the community changed within the industry since Wade retired from his career. Although acceptance by the community isn't at its peak, Wade is working hard to improve it. Davis believes that everyone is responsible for creating a gender-equal and equitable world. He started working within the NFL to create a safe environment for gay players, served as an LGBTQ surrogate for President Obama, and globally addressed matters surrounding sexual orientation in different capacities. Wade insists that who you date shouldn't matter in sports.

You can clearly see throughout the best black gay dating sites that his impact positively affected the black gay community. So many gays see Wade as a role model and inspirator. Thanks to his proactive stance, thousands of black football stans can now use dating sites and social media to come out as gay and proudly date other guys without fear of being judged.

2.   Seimone Augustus

Seimone is a real pioneer in basketball and was destined for greatness as a child. She realized her potential and abilities as a young lady in Minnesota. Before retiring in 2020, she had earned a legacy by winning three gold medals in one of basketball's greatest dynasties. She came out in 2012 and was supported by her family but not her community. That motivated her to become a vocal champion for LGBTQ rights and marriage equality in athletics. She speaks freely of her sexual orientation journey and openly expresses her support for gay stars.

She is a forward thinker and an outspoken and unsung activist in favor of the gay within the athletic industry. Working as an assistant coach in LA Sparks, she aims to create a safe space for LGBTQ players and lead them to find the solace and freedom they need.

3.   Jason Collins

Collins is a retired professional basketball player who came out as gay in 2013 while still active in the sport. For the 13 seasons he played in the NFL, he served as a center. The reception of his sexual orientation revelation was primarily positive, making him the face of a long-awaited gay movement in athletics sports. 

After retiring, he became a vocal LGBTQ equality advocate. He has inspired young gay players to embrace their sexuality and identity.

4.   Fallon Fox

Fox is a retired Martial Artist transgender fighter who knows what the rumors' focus is and what hearsay feels like. Fallon was born male but now lives as female. Although Fox is still transitioning, she is the first MMA fighter to come out as transgender. She was five when she first wore a dress, and it felt right. She tried keeping it a secret for years, but eventually, her truth came out. 

The sailing became less smooth with the bad reception by her parents. She has tried fighting her way through transgender rights and as a martial artist. It gave her the confidence to voice her support for gays and to participate in LGBTQ pride walks.

5.   John Amaechi

John is a British-American psychologist. He played in the NBA before retiring in 2007. After his retirement, he hit the headlines for coming out as gay. As an organizational psychologist, he inspires transformative change for gay clients. John is also a NY Best-selling author, a sought-after public speaker, an executive coach, and a CEO in favor of gays. He has recently inspired gay Premier League footballers to come out by helping them feel comfortable in who they are. 


Sports stars in any field want to be remembered for who they are and what they accomplished, not their sexual orientation. Although many players have chosen to live their truths, it does not make them deviant from any other straight player. In the past, identifying as gay in the sports world would be a huge risk to a career. The scene is slowly changing, with more LGBTQ supporters declaring their stand. We hope that in the future, many more gay athletes will come out publicly, and it will be more of the opening of floodgates compared to the current trickle. In the meantime, we have these inspiring examples that have helped many males to accept themselves, get involved in online dating websites for black singles, and enjoy their lives without looking back.

As each new US state passes legislation allowing online sports betting, a whole new audience gets to enjoy the pastime, and this has resulted in some staggering numbers in terms of money wagered and revenue generated by the licensed, regulated providers in the relevant territory.

Online sports betting in Louisiana went live in late January 2022, and it was not as simple a process as it has been in other states. Whereas in most states, the referendums used to dictate the possibility of legalization coming up on the docket in a state-wide referendum, in the Pelican State, the situation is broken down by county.

Of the 64 parishes that voted on the matter of online sports betting, 55 approved, and nine did not, but this led to a fairly absurd situation that meant that people in those parishes needed only to get in their vehicles and drive to a relevant neighborhood before placing their bets.

The state has eight legal sportsbook apps, including DraftKings Louisiana, which is, without doubt, one of the most popular and best available to residents, and in December, revenue hit a record $37.2 million, showing just how much potential there is in the market in the region.

This was in marked contrast to the revenue made in November, which saw the many sportsbooks take a big hit as Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale beat the bookies with a series of bets placed on the Houston Astros winning the MLB World Series.

He won a staggering $75 million from his bets, of which $58.7 million came in Louisiana, something that the providers in the state could not have possibly mitigated or predicted.

Over the course of 2022, the first year of legalization in Louisiana, the state broke the $30 million milestone for revenue four times, and December’s numbers were the highest of the whole year and a sign of things to come.

In 2022 sportsbooks accepted over $2.3 billion in bets, with $1.96 billion coming from mobile devices, which is evidence of a massive shift to mobile betting, which can be seen worldwide, not just in the sports betting world but also in the online casino industry.

The success of online sports betting hasn’t only been advantageous to the sportsbooks that are licensed to operate but also helped to bring in $33.9 million in tax receipts, with almost 40% of that total coming in the final quarter of 2022.

Those December numbers put Louisiana in seventh place in terms of sports betting handle, behind the following. 

  • 1) New York $1.63 billion
  • 2) New Jersey $1.06 billion
  • 3) Pennsylvania $754.8 million
  • 4) Maryland$497.1 million
  • 5) Tennessee$440.4 million
  • 6) Indiana$431.4 million
  • 7) Louisiana$254.3 million
  • 8) Iowa$229.9 million
  • 9) Kansas$182 million
  • 10) West Virginia$66 million

Of the sports that attract bets in Louisiana, American football is top of the list, with basketball a distant second. Baseball lies in third.

2023 promises more of the same for Louisiana, with February likely to be a big month given the end of the NFL season and the Super Bowl on the 13th of February. 

The wide receiver position in the NFL is one of the most important on the gridiron, as these players help convert passes into touchdowns. Having elite players in this position is a big boost to a team’s offense.

Here is a rundown of the top 10 wide receivers in the NFL today who look on course to finish their careers as Hall of Fame players.

10. Tyler Lockett (Seattle Seahawks)

With over 1,000 receiving yards in each of the last four seasons, Tyler Lockett has consistently been one of the league’s best wide receivers. The Seattle Seahawks man often produces explosive plays down the field for his team. 

9. Stefon Diggs (Buffalo Bills)

One of the reasons for the success the Buffalo Bills have has in recent seasons is down to the plays Stefon Diggs has made at WR. He is the player who attracts the most attention from the opponents' defense. Diggs will be doing all he can to help his team to Super Bowl success this season. As of January 20, the AFC East champions are +300 in the sports betting for the Vince Lombardi Trophy at Super Bowl LVII.

8. Michael Thomas (New Orleans Saints)

Three-time Pro Bowler Michael Thomas was named the Offensive Player of the Year in the league in 2019. He finished that year with 149 receptions and 1,725 receiving yards. Injuries have limited the number of games he has played in recent years, but when fit, he remains an elite WR.

7. Cooper Kupp (LA Rams)

Super Bowl winner Cooper Kupp was the Offensive Player of the Year in 2021. He was also named the Super Bowl MVP after a huge performance against the Cincinnati Bengals at Super Bowl LVI. The LA Rams player has scored over 6,000 receiving yards in the last six years in the NFL.

6. Odell Beckham Jr. (free agent)

Former LSU wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. made an immediate impact in the NFL in his opening year. He was named the Offensive Rookie of the Year after scoring 12 touchdowns for the New York Giants. Beckham Jr. moved to LA in 2021 to join the Rams and he helped them win the Super Bowl at their home stadium. He is set to attract a lot of interest in the offseason as a free agent.

5. Amari Cooper (Cleveland Browns)

Amari Cooper has been a star quarterback at three different franchises now. The talented WR is currently with the Cleveland Browns, and they will be hoping he can help them with their rebuild project. The four-time Pro Bowler led his team in receiving yards in 2021, accumulating a total of 1,160 yards in his debut season in Ohio.

4. Justin Jefferson (Minnesota Vikings)

Minnesota Vikings WR Justin Jefferson led the league in receiving yards in 2022. He finished the regular season with 1,809 yards and 128 receptions. He played a big role in the Vikings’ impressive offense. Jefferson has put up big numbers in each of his three years in the league and there is likely to be a lot more to come from him.

3. A.J. Brown (Philadelphia Eagles)

The Philadelphia Eagles signed A.J. Brown from the Tennessee Titans last year and he has helped turn them into Super Bowl contenders. The new Eagles man put up career-best figures in 2022, with 1,496 receiving yards, 88 receptions, and 11 touchdowns. Philadelphia will be hoping he continues that form into the playoffs.

2. Davante Adams (Las Vegas Raiders)

After eight years of playing with Aaron Rodgers at the Green Bay Packers, Davante Adams opted to join the Las Vegas Raiders in 2022. He proved he could have success with another franchise. Adams will be closing in on 10,000 career receiving yards in 2023. He is an exceptionally gifted catcher of the ball.

1. Tyreek Hill (Miami Dolphins)

Arguably the biggest trade before the 2022 season began came when the Miami Dolphins traded for Tyreek Hill from the Kansas City Chiefs. The explosive wide receiver has scored 63 receiving touchdowns in seven seasons in the NFL. His speed, low center of gravity, and ability to bring down the ball makes him one of the best of his generation at his position.

The above players will surely be in contention for many of the awards on offer at the 2023 NFL Honors in February in Arizona. 

Ranking the Top 5 Sports in the United States

The United States being a sports-obsessed country surprises no one. Americans love their sports, especially if they get to drink and eat snacks while watching.

Grandstands are nearly always full for the popular professional leagues, while many elite colleges even sell out their arenas while playing games throughout the year.

With online sports betting also legalized in many parts of the country, the nation’s fascination with competitive sports is only likely to get more frenzied.

The love of sports in America has not changed much in the past few decades, but popular sports are slightly different. While dominant sports such as American football are here to stay, some sports have risen up the rankings and captured the hearts of Americans in recent years.

Below is our rundown of the top five sports in the United States.

1. American Football

No game has a deeper meaning in American culture than American football, which was invented and is mostly played in the United States. When you talk with any person on the street in any part of the USA, you can likely get them talking about their favorite football team if you steer the conversation in that direction.

The National Football League regularly has better TV viewership numbers compared to other sports on this list. This shows that even when Americans are not attending football games in person, they watch at home.

Aside from the professional league, college football is also a phenomenon in the United States. Colleges can regularly sell out huge stadiums of 30,000 or 40,000 people, while they even get TV viewership numbers in the millions for big games.

2. Baseball

Another sport that is huge in the United States is baseball. Slightly more popular around the world compared to American football, baseball is still predominantly seen as an American sport. Around half of all Americans have a favorite baseball team, even if all of them are not watching regularly.

One of the reasons why baseball has always remained so popular in America, even in an era of decreased attention spans, is because of its part in the country’s culture. Going to a baseball game is not about watching the sport, but about having a day out with friends or family at a wonderful stadium in a great part of your city.

College baseball is not on the same level as college football in terms of popularity, but ratings for MLB baseball games do compare with NFL football, depending on the time of the year and who is playing. Betting stats also show that similar numbers of wagers are placed on baseball games, as compared to American football matches.

3. Basketball

The sport of basketball is in an interesting position in the United States. There is huge money in the league, with the top players such as LeBron James making a fortune on and off the court.

Stadiums are usually full, and there is a lot of attention on college basketball as well. The issue for basketball is that despite having a lot of money in the sport and a great deal of popular cultural relevance, its TV ratings are not on par with football or baseball.

Around a quarter of Americans say they play basketball semi-regularly, but the issue is that most of them are not watching most weeks. One of the reasons that basketball may not get the TV ratings of other sports is that there are so many regular season and playoff games that it can feel overwhelming for fans.

4. Boxing

While MMA is clipping at the heels of boxing through its popular UFC league, the sport is still hugely popular in the United States. Top athletes of the past, such as Mohammed Ali, are national icons. Even modern stars, like Floyd Mayweather, are well-known and extremely successful because of the sport.

Boxing does have more of a niche audience, compared to the other sports on this list, but that audience is very passionate. Boxing fans not only know a great deal about the history of the sport, but they are willing to pay good money to watch their favorite boxers compete, both in person and on television.

5. Soccer

A surprise appearance on this list, soccer has risen in popularity in the United States in the past decade. While the beautiful game is legendary worldwide, it does not always get the same recognition or appreciation stateside.

That is changing with the latest generation of sports fans in America, with many now tuning in to watch European soccer leagues such as the English Premier League and Spanish La Liga. Competitions such as the men’s and women’s World Cup have also contributed to the sport’s increased presence in the United States.

With America set to be one of the hosts for the 2026 World Cup, soccer may even grab a fourth spot on this list in a few years.

Betting is a popular hobby that millions around the globe regularly practice. It’s adventurous and simply lets people enjoy sports more. Every new game is an exciting opportunity not only to cheer for your team but potentially win some money. One of the most popular sports globally is NFL. That’s why you’ll find the sports available on online casinos real money platforms. They are easily accessible from both desktop and mobile devices and offer a wide range of NFL betting features. In this article, we’ll answer the question of how to bet on NFL games at casino. Keep reading to learn a couple of valuable tips.

Pick the Right Platform

The starting step is finding the right platform for NFL betting. There are several things to take in mind. Luckily, you can explore them without even creating an account, which makes things simple. Take a look at the following:

  • What’s the welcome bonus? - A good welcome bonus will help you get started with a bonus bet or a deposit match bonus that you could use. Compare bonuses offered by other brands and pick your best bet. Pay attention to playthrough requirements as these show how realistic is that you will withdraw winnings from bonus funds.
  • What are the casino NFL odds? - This is a crucial thing when you take a look at the whole picture. Picking a platform with competitive odds will work well for you in the long run. You can potentially win more money if a brand is offering great NFL casino odds. Also, check whether there is any NFL casino sponsorship deal, as it might mean that the casino will offer boosted odds when that team is playing.
  • What types of bets are available? - The bigger the range of available bets, the better. It only means that you have more chances to show off your knowledge and potentially make money.
  • Are live streaming and betting available? - You can have it all in one platform. While you’ll find that many are offering live betting features, not many support live streaming. This is a great way to watch the game and place in-play bets while watching.
  • Is the platform reputable? - Last but not least, you want a platform that will pay out your wins. So pick a reputable online casino that holds licensing from the relevant gambling authorities.

Now, let’s look at things to learn to increase your chances of winning the next bet.

Follow the Latest News

Keeping up with the latest news opens an opportunity for smarter bets. The more information you can gather, the better. This usually refers to any player injuries. If someone important is not able to play the next game for any reason, the team will not be as good as it usually is. That needs to be reflected in the bet you’re placing.

On the other hand, if a player is having some kind of challenges in his life off the pitch, there’s a chance that they might not be able to focus fully on the game. All these little things have a big role in betting. Experienced bettors are well aware of this, and that’s why you’ll find them reading about the lives of the players all the time. They are gathering more information to use when they’re betting next time.

Doing your research regularly will turn a bet into a winning one just because you were able to better predict an outcome.

Casino NFL Betting Types

As mentioned above, you want a platform that has all the popular bet types available. That way, you can combine different bets and establish strategies to increase your chances of winning. The most popular betting markets include:

  • Point spreads - With a point spread, you’re placing one team at a disadvantage. So one team has to win against the other by a certain amount of points. If you score this type of bet, the reward is usually high.
  • Moneyline - This is the simplest form of betting, you’re simply picking who’s going to be a winner.
  • Total - This bet guesses whether the teams will score over or under the number of points proposed by the sportsbook.
  • Parlay bet - Parlay bets combine multiple other bets and place them on a single bet slip. While it’s much harder to win, it’s really rewarding.
  • Futures bet - This bet lets you guess the outcome of an important event in the future. For example, who’s going to win the Super Bowl, months before it happens.
  • Prop bet - Prop bets are more custom, meaning that you can bet what a certain player will do in the game.

The key is to combine the knowledge gathered from the team’s previous games and news and make smarter assumptions when betting. These different bets will allow you to create a compelling strategy that might lead to a higher win chance.

Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame is filled with exceptional artists and creatives who made their mark in the music industry. Being inducted into the hall of fame is no mean feat, especially if you are black and a lesbian. The black community has seen multiple artists make their way into the hall of fame thanks to their standout talents that made them hard to ignore. Being a lesbian in today’s world comes with multiple challenges, especially heavy criticism. Many lesbians struggle with coming out of the closet, yet some have already done so. 

This article highlights a few notable black Rock’n’Roll artists who have made their mark in history.

1.   Rosetta Tharpe

Tharpe will go down in history as arguably the most musically talented black guitar-playing heroines, and rightfully so. Springing from the deep musical traditions of the Pentecostal church, Rosetta Tharpe achieved milestones that no performer in her time did. With her amazing voice, Tharpe took Pentecostal music and presented it to the world. Her amazing soprano and unrivaled guitar-playing techniques made audiences go crazy whenever she performed. Tharpe’s guitar-playing ability was a level higher than most performers in the industry. 

Tharpe is respected and loved by many, and for good reasons. Big-name artists like Elvis Presley, among others, have given testimonials on how much Tharpe was a major influence on their careers. While her success never went unnoticed, one thing few people knew was her dating life. On several occasions, she was rumored to be a black lesbian dating lover. At one point, fans even thought that she was dating another popular singer, Rosetta’s standout talents were officially acknowledged by the music industry when she officially became a Hall of Famer.

Regardless, you can still open any dating site for black lesbian dating and meet her true fans seeking someone like-minded there. The best part is that if you are a black lesbian yourself, you can open a dating site and use the topic of music and Rosetta, in particular, as an icebreaker. You’ll be surprised by how many black lesbians find her inspiring and therefore are always happy to meet someone who appreciates great music and outstanding black female heroines.

2.   Ma Rainey

Being regarded as the mother of an entire music genre is no mean feat. Rainey’s impact on the music industry has been quite extensive. Gifted with a deep beautiful voice and notable stage presence, Rainey took over the music industry by storm. She was born in the early 20th century, back when segregation was at extreme levels. 

Despite being black, Rainey seemingly drew large crowds of mixed races thanks to her standout talent. She was an inspiration to many singers, including Janis Joplin. Rainey also mentored many people who became stars, like Bessie Smith. She is a current Rock’n’Roll Hall of Famer, and rightfully so. Some of her lyrics highlight her love for women, and one can only assume that she was a lesbian.

3.   Janelle Monae

Janelle’s name might be a household name these days, but few people know what it took for her to make it in the music industry. Born to parents who wore a uniform to work day in and out, Monae has had an explosive impact on the music industry. She has released several exceptional albums and won multiple Grammy awards nominations. She’s also featured in several movies. 

One of her biggest achievements is coming out in support of the lesbian community and women. Monae advocates for equality and has, on several occasions, come out to speak up against the harassment of women, particularly in workplaces. She has gone on record to state that she is pansexual. While she might not yet be inducted into the hall of fame, the path to achieving that milestone appears to be well-lit. 

4.   Dana Owens

Widely regarded as an icon by many female artists, Dana Owens, also known as Queen Latifah, embodies grit and awesomeness. She was born in March 1970 and has worn many hats over the years. Apart from being an actor, she is also a rapper, songwriter, and TV personality.

Dana Elaine Owens’ name ought to be engrained in the hall of fame because of the influence that she’s had in the world of entertainment. Not only is Dana a great poet and songwriter, but she’s also arguably the best female entertainer. Owens has reached genres of people from all around the world. She has many different albums that have sold millions of copies. Her songs have motivated people to pursue their passions and even spread awareness of numerous different cultures worldwide. Her work is exceptional and deserves to be recognized among the few top black entertainers. 

5.   Tracy Chapman 

In 1964, an almost angelic-voiced Tracy Chapman was conceived. From an early age, she relished singing, and little did she know that music would change her entire future. Like most women on this list, Tracy had a tough upbringing that motivated her later in life decision to become a feminist. 

Chapman has been an inspiration to successful and aspiring singers alike. For years, she’s worked as an activist and gone ahead to speak and perform for countless nonprofit organizations. While there’s so much Chapman has done, one thing she’s yet to do is to talk publicly about her private life. While there have been rumors that she’s a lesbian, there’s no record of her coming out and admitting to anything. 


When it comes to sheer talent, the black community has many different top talents. Many talented and influential black artists have impacted their communities and the world. Besides Dana Owens, Sister Tharpe, and more on this list, several other lesbian female stars have been a shining light for many.

There's a buzz of excitement to warm the cold January air as the National Football League
season prepares to move into its playoff rounds. Results from the regular season are now in
the books, with the best-performing teams progressing to the next phase, leaving the rest
behind to mull over their shortcomings. A frantic few weeks lie ahead, but which teams will
make it through to the season-defining match?

Football fans can have their say on the winner of each fixture with pre-game and in-play
betting available at the top sportsbooks. Those looking for a bet that lasts a little longer can
look ahead and predict the eventual Super Bowl champion. The team, they believe, will go all
the way to the history books. There is plenty of value to be found, especially if you decent to
oppose the market leaders with a bet on a plucky underdog. But which team is worth backing,
and where will you find the best NFL gambling odds?

This article explains all, bringing football fans and sportsbook bettors onto the same page.
We present the current betting and how it relates to the form shown by the top teams in this
campaign. There are one or two surprises to be found and no lack of value. This year's Super
Bowl will be played at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona, on Sunday 12th, February.
That means time is running out to grab your share of the free bets offered. Keep reading for
details on how to land a welcome bonus free bet on the NFL using your smartphone.

Kansas leads the way

According to bookmakers, Kansas City is now the most likely team to win the Super Bowl.
That's an important shift and something worth keeping in mind when preparing your
predictions, as the betting has changed since the regular season finished. Traders have altered
their views on the Super Bowl, moving from the Buffalo Bills to Kansas. But why did they
do that when Buffalo is still in the running?

Only recently, all the hype focused on the Bills, but the team has yet to live up to its billing.
Buffalo has done everything expected of them by fans so far this season, but there can be no
denying they have been less than impressive. The favorites huffed and puffed their way
through games at times and have yet to look anywhere near as impressive as their rivals in
Kansas. The stats of the two teams after the conclusion of the regular season tell the story of
why traders changed their minds.

Kansas topped the AFC West with their stats showing 14 wins and three defeats, with 496
points scored and 369 conceded. They finished clear of a chasing pack led by the Los
Angeles Chargers, who failed to land a glove on the Chiefs in one-way traffic despite putting
up a fight. Despite how impressive Kansas was in the regular season, there's more to come
from this side. They are yet to hit top gear, encouraging supporters as they prepare to follow
their side into the extended season.

Buffalo started the season as the team to beat, with traders picking them as their favorite at
every major sportsbook. So far, they have barely put a foot wrong and comfortably won the
AFC East, losing just three of their games. The Bills scored fewer points than Kansas with
455 but had a much better defense, conceding 286 points in the campaign. That sturdy
backline will be required in the later rounds and could be the difference between winning the
Super Bowl and watching as spectators.

Bonuses and promotions

The leading bookies offer all new players who sign up for an online betting account, make
their first deposit, and wager an attractive welcome bonus. Register today, and you'll qualify
for a free bet equal to your first deposit and wager. Ready to claim your share?

When joining a bookie to bet on the NFL or the winner of the Super Bowl, we advise reading
the terms and conditions on the app. Doing so will ensure you understand what's expected of
you as a customer and the options available when making a withdrawal.

You’ve got to be pretty special to become a professional athlete. The percentage of athletes that make it to the big leagues is so small that only the best of the best make it through. So, it should perhaps come as no surprise that professional athletes aren’t just handy at their chosen sport, but are just generally talented people. Indeed, take a pro football player, and you’d probably find that they could more than hold their own in any other sport you dropped them into. 

And it’s not just on the field that pro athletes perform well. Take a look at some of the hobbies that those famous faces engage in, and you’ll find that they’re more or less good at everything they attempt. Some people have all the luck. Don’t believe us? Let’s explore some common hobbies for professional athletes. 

Making Music

There’s always been a big overlap between music and sports. The dressing rooms are alive with music, and many teams celebrate their victories with an anthem. Sometimes those worlds collide in a more direct way, such as when athletes get behind the microphone themselves and record a track or two. The late Kobe Bryant recorded a rap album back in 1999, while Shaquille O’Neal released four albums throughout the same decade. The boxer Manny Pacquiao also released many songs between 2006 and 2013. 

Playing Games  

You don’t become a pro athlete without being competitive. Sports stars live for competition. Alas, they normally only play one game a week, so what do they do when they’re not on the field? That’s right, they play different types of games. Play a few hands at the best poker sites, and you might just end up playing against an athlete that you normally see on television. Neymar, Boris Becker, and Michael Phelps are all known to be huge poker players. 

There are also plenty of athletic video gamers, too. Cam Newton, Paul George, and Eric Berry all say they’re obsessed with video games, especially sporting video games. 

The Fashion World

Take a look at many sports stars when they head to a restaurant, and you’ll notice that most of them have a pretty particular fashion sense. They like to stand out. And some athletes are so interested in the fashion world that they even launch their own clothing lines. Some of the biggest sports stars in the world, including Serena Williams, David Beckham, LeBron James, and Cristiano Ronaldo, have created clothing. Who knew that people who are awesome at sports could also live another life as fashion designers? Talent knows no limits!

Traveling the World

Many people love traveling, but not everyone has the time or money to do it. Sports stars usually travel for work purposes when they have to play across the country (or even internationally, during the Olympics), and some athletes even travel for leisure. Floyd Mayweather, LeBron James, Ronda Rousey, and Tom Brady have all expressed a passion for exploring the world. You can only imagine how awesome it must be to travel with their bank balances, too. 


The Super Bowl is the most prestigious event in American football, and every year teams from across the NFL compete for the championship title. However, while some teams have been incredibly successful over the years, a few still have yet to experience victory at this level. From small-market franchises to traditional powerhouses, here's a look at some of the NFL teams that have yet to win a Super Bowl.

Minnesota Vikings

Despite four trips to the Super Bowl in the 1970s, Minnesota's Vikings have yet to earn a championship title. They faced off against Kansas City Chiefs in 1970, Miami Dolphins in 1974, Pittsburgh Steelers in 1975, and Oakland Raiders in 1977, all ending with defeat for the squad. In 2018 they were just one game away from making it back again but unfortunately succumbed 38-7 against Philadelphia Eagles, who went on to claim the victory that year.

Buffalo Bills

The Buffalo Bills experienced a streak of unprecedented dominance from 1990 to 1993, reaching the Super Bowl for four consecutive seasons. Regrettably, their expedition ended in anguish every time - starting with a narrow 20-19 loss against the Giants and then a 37-24 defeat by Washington, followed by back-to-back defeats at the hands of the Dallas Cowboys. The team has not returned since that era but last year made it as far as an AFC Championship game, only to fall again under pressure from Kansas City Chiefs.

Cincinnati Bengals

With three Super Bowl appearances, the Bengals have their sights set on lifting a Lombardi Trophy. Unfortunately, they twice encountered defeat in 1981 and 1988 against San Francisco but were also unfortunate to succumb by a mere 3 points to Los Angeles 23-20 in 2022. But, surely, this is just the beginning of a remarkable journey for Cincinnati, and we eagerly await what's next!

Atlanta Falcons

After 18 years of absence, the Falcons returned to the Super Bowl for a second time in 2017, only to be defeated after an epic comeback from New England. Atlanta had been leading 28-3 in the third quarter before their opponents managed to triumph 34-28 during overtime and secure a historic victory. In 1999, the Broncos were similarly successful as they blew out the Falcons with an impressive 34-19. In addition, according to Super Bowl betting odds, the Atlanta Falcons remain one of the teams most likely to feature in a Super Bowl game.

Carolina Panthers

In 2003, the Panthers came close to claiming their first Super Bowl victory but were ultimately denied by a last-second field goal from Adam Vinatieri that gave the Patriots a 32-29 win. Unfortunately, history repeated itself in 2015 when Denver's defense shut down Carolina's offense and won 24-10 - marking two heartbreaking losses for the franchise during its tenure at the big game.

Arizona Cardinals

In their first Super Bowl appearance in 2009, the Cardinals almost clinched a Lombardi Trophy; unfortunately, they fell to the Steelers 27-23. Despite multiple playoff appearances since then and even making it to the NFC Championship game in 2015, Arizona is still diligently striving for its much sought-after first Super Bowl victory.

Tennessee Titans

In its inaugural year as the Tennessee Titans, the squad made a dramatic run to Super Bowl XXXIV in 1999, only to be thwarted by an agonizingly close 23-16 loss to the Rams. Kevin Dyson's last-second dive for a touchdown proved too little too late, and though they have since reached nine playoff appearances, with two conference championship berths along their way - a return trip to the Big Game has yet eluded them.

Los Angeles Chargers

Even though the Chargers, led by Philip Rivers as their franchise quarterback, never made it to a Super Bowl during his time with them, they could still make history in 1995. Stan Humphries was at the helm of that team and guided them all the way to face off against the 49ers in an epic battle for football supremacy - only to be beaten soundly with a scoreline reading 49-26. Unfortunately, since then, Los Angeles has only been able to reach one AFC Conference Championship game.

Cleveland Browns

The Browns have been deprived of a Super Bowl appearance since the game's inception in 1967. With five conference championship appearances before 1990, they've only made the playoffs three times post-1990 and encountered an abysmal 17-year streak without reaching that level from 2003-2019.

Detroit Lions

Unfortunately, the Detroit Lions are still seeking their first Super Bowl appearance and have had limited success in playoff games. Through 13 postseason appearances since 1991, they have only made it to one conference championship game. Even more disheartening is that despite eight tries since 1992, the team has yet to win a single playoff game.

Jacksonville Jaguars

Despite reaching the conference championship three times in their history, the Jacksonville Jaguars have never quite made it to a Super Bowl. From 2008-2016 was an especially dry spell for them, and when they finally returned to playoff contention in 2017, only be beaten by defending champions New England Patriots 24-20. Since then, Jacksonville has been unable to make playoffs, making fans wonder if this will ever change.

Houston Texans

In two decades as a franchise, the Houston Texans have yet to secure a Super Bowl title or even appear at one - despite making six playoff appearances in their history. Even more dismal is that none of these postseason berths resulted in advancing past the divisional round. To make matters worse, during the first eight seasons since inception, not once did they qualify for playoffs!

Barriers exist between most countries; culture, language, politics, and other blockages create walls that are challenging to climb. But one universal element every nation has in common is sports – and sports break those barriers. Whether participating or watching, sport is a language in itself that appeals to the social, competitive side of humans – and it’s an excellent way to understand, get to know, and enjoy the company of anyone from any country around the world. 

Sports becomes an incredible experience when combined with a love of traveling; many people explore other lands and cultures through their passion for their game. With that in mind, these destinations with penchants for sports are perfect itinerary items for sporting fanatics. 

United Kingdom

England is famed worldwide for its soccer scene. Across the land, local, national, and even international matches take place like regular clockwork. Plus, the crowds are phenomenal; it’s not uncommon for stadiums to sell out, with fans showing up for games in numbers over 40,000. 

Furthermore, cricket is another contender that English folks across the pond go nuts for, as is tennis, especially in the season when London becomes the center of the world’s attention each June – when the iconic Wimbledon championship starts. Among other unmissable sporting events in the UK are Epsom Downs and Ascot horse races (along with the Grand National, too), which turn into highly sophisticated formalwear events and sporting shows. However, when it comes to getting rough and dirty, the rugby league is unmissable – especially when Wales is playing; the team’s camaraderie is second to none.

North America

North America is famed globally for many things – but a robust roster of sports is probably one of the biggest. Some destinations are renowned for one or two particular sports (like the UK and its buzzing soccer culture). All across the United States and Canada, though, all sports are rife – right from kids in elementary school taking part in extra-curricular clubs to college sports teams – and, of course, the major leagues at the professional level. 

People go wild in the US and Canada for football, basketball, ice hockey, baseball, and even crazier and more dangerous sports like NASCAR. In fact, many Americans and Canadians make their sport of choice their entire reason for a vacation. Take ice hockey, for example; fans often book tailored NHL travel packages designed to get them in on the hockey action, attend matches, and enjoy a trip away. Many travel operators also offer the same services for fans of other sports and leagues, from the NBA to the NFL.


Think “baseball”, and the USA immediately springs to mind. Granted, the game was birthed in New York – but the Japanese seem to be the biggest baseball fans in the world. In big cities like Tokyo, tourists can enjoy a unique blend of western and Japanese sporting culture, with sumo wrestling and martial arts representing one flavor and the country’s passion for baseball another.

Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil

Brazil is the ultimate place for soccer lovers who can’t get enough gorgeous beaches and sports culture simultaneously. Specifically, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are two top spots for soccer fans; the latter’s home team draws in crowds of over 70,000 at the Macaranã stadium – an atmosphere discerning soccer enthusiasts do not want to miss. 

If that’s a little too exciting, sampling the fun street soccer with the locals in Sao Paulo affords an authentic insight into Brazil’s soccer culture at the grassroots level.

The Hall of Fame promises to be a crowded place for quarterbacks in the AFC in 20 years if the current crop of players continue to astound and develop. The 2022 season has highlighted the rise of brilliant young quarterbacks, so much so that Patrick Mahomes, at the age of 27, is the elder statesman of the group. The Kansas City Chiefs player has already put forward an impressive resume for his Hall of Fame credentials. He's already won one Super Bowl and reached another in the first five years of his career.

The Chiefs are once again backed as one of the leading contenders in the odds to win the Super Bowl. A second Vince Lombardi Trophy would all but ensure that Mahomes will be donning a yellow jacket at the end of his career. However, there will be intense competition along the way due to the quality of quarterbacks and teams in the AFC Conference alone. That will make Canton, Ohio a crowded place should they all opt to retire at the same time. It will also make for an enthralling 20 years of AFC action, bringing back memories of the conference when it was at its best, a time when Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Philip Rivers, Ben Roethlisberger and others battled it out to reach the Super Bowl.

The new era looks even more exciting.

Patrick Mahomes

Mahomes has almost punched his ticket to Canton and, if he opted to retire tomorrow, there would be few doubters that would deny him a place in the Hall of Fame. He has been electric on the field since replacing Alex Smith in his sophomore season. Mahomes appears to be all set to win his second MVP after a brilliant 2022 season in which he propelled the Chiefs to the number one seed, notably without Tyreek Hill.

That was a major challenge for Mahomes, but he passed with flying colors, connecting with his new wideouts. With Travis Kelce closer to the end of his career than the start, he will have to continue to develop players around him. Mahomes will now aim to reach his third Super Bowl to banish memories of his side’s defeat to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the 2020 campaign.

Josh Allen

Allen and Mahomes played out a thrilling Divisional Round matchup last season. Mahomes’ brilliance in the final 13 seconds tied the game before the Buffalo Bills were beaten in overtime to deny them a second-straight AFC Championship appearance. Allen has been incredible once again this season, displaying maturity and leadership as well as having every throw in the book. He alone will give the Bills a fighting chance in the AFC every year.

Even after Tom Brady's exit, it was not easy to dethrone the New England Patriots at the top of the AFC East. But Allen and Buffalo are now kings of the East and will now look to transfer that dominance to the AFC. He and his team just need to raise their levels in the big games, because only then can Allen be considered one of the greats.

Joe Burrow

Burrow well and truly announced his arrival lasts season with a brilliant run to knock off the Chiefs away at the AFC Championship Game. The Bengals were not quite ready to win the Super Bowl, narrowly losing out to the Los Angeles Rams. However,  Burrow and his team are a confident bunch and, with Joe Cool as quarterback, will be contenders every year.

Burrow has earned comparisons to Brady when it comes to his demeanor on the field. He always seems to make clutch throws with pinpoint accuracy when it matters the most. Burrow doesn’t have the wow plays of Mahomes and Allen, but he's downright clinical when required. If the Bengals can keep him upright and injury-free, Cincinnati will be a perennial Super Bowl contender.

Burrow has the personality and drive to win multiple crowns. Although he'd be doing very well to ever match Brady, he is certainly capable of winning one or two.

Trevor Lawrence

In the early stages of the 2022 seasons there were fears that Lawrence was trending towards being a bust. He endured a miserable rookie campaign, which was entirely the fault of former head coach Urban Meyer, who failed to last the term with the Jacksonville Jaguars. Doug Pederson’s arrival promised stability and the chance for Lawrence to develop. It didn’t appear to go that way after a poor performance in a loss to the Denver Broncos.

But from then on Lawrence flicked the switch and was sensational down the stretch, guiding his team to seven victories in nine games. The Jags won the AFC South for the first time since 2017 and it could well be the start of an era of dominance. Lawrence’s performances were made all the more impressive considering the lack of talent around him. If the Jags get him some top-tier receivers, he will flourish in Florida.

Justin Herbert

Herbert is the other quarterback in the AFC West that has all the tools, but has not quite put it all together yet. He won Rookie of the Year ahead of Burrow and Tua Tagovailoa in 2020, but he has not been able to take the next step yet, despite making the post-season for the first time in 2022. The Los Angeles Chargers have always had a string of bad luck and bad decision-making that has held them back. They cannot afford to let that happen to Herbert as it did his predecessor Rivers.

Herbert has all the talent in the world and skills to match Mahomes, Allen and Burrow. He just needs to settle in with a composed coach that will allow him to thrive in the big moments. Herbert could be the answer to the Chargers’ longstanding playoff woes.

Tua and Lamar

Lamar Jackson could have been on the same trajectory as the other quarterbacks, but injuries and a lack of post-season form has stalled his progress. Renowned for his running ability, he has developed as a passer, making him a dual-threat quarterback. Until he can resolve his injury woes once and for all, he and the Baltimore Ravens are going nowhere.

It’s the same story for Tua and the Miami Dolphins. After two poor seasons, head coach Mike McDaniel appeared to unlock Tua's potential. Tua connected with Tyreek Hill and Jaylen Waddle to devastating effect to propel Miami towards the number one seed in the AFC. However, he sustained two concussions over the course of the season, the second one ruling him out of the final three games of the campaign. That is a huge concern for the Dolphins moving forward, and could end a bright career.